So, hello. Here I am again. I discovered this week that my part time job is on the rocks, I have to re-interview for it in a competitive process with all of the other people who are on the same level. Not to cause any undue irritation, the interviews will be the week before Christmas- very thoughtful oh dear employer. Foolishly (it seemed to me) the news was followed by an appraisal the next day....... So whilst wondering if I will have some regular income coming in I also had to take part in a 'lets pretend this isn't happening situation' conversation about how I see my future there. Sometimes people really have no common sense. For me, this is a part time J-O-B- and even they are like gold dust in these economic times, but for many of the other staff it is the most important valuable 'thing' they have. Suggesting that it may be taken from them could have come with more considerate timing.
This news brings, for me, a cloud of doom and gloom and a re-awakened desire to discover a money making scheme, so far I think I have only been partly successful in this quest. I am making some money doing nothing- it's legit do not worry, but I'd need to make 10x more to rely upon this as a sole income.
Back to the drawing board.
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