Friday 24 June 2011

How I Lost Weight and still got to work on time! Part 2 Evening Meals

I noticed when I tried sticking to a diet that my portions before were way too big. Now I don't need to rigorously stick to a diet but I do weigh pasta, rice and potatoes to make sure I'm not eating a huge serving. When I make pasta I usually make some additional servings to pop in the freezer for those days when there's nothing in the fridge or for when I just cannot be bothered to cook!
I weigh out (carb diet portions, my healthy eating plan)
  • 120-150g of potato or
  • 70g of pasta or
  • 50g uncooked rice
as one portion, I also always buy brown pasta and rice too.

Evening Meals

Baked Salmon Recipe
I normally use a salmon fillet (about 100g) but any fish fillet would do. With salmon, I wrap it in foil and squeeze in the juice of half a lemon and add some pepper. It takes about 15  mins at 200c in my electric oven. I always check it's cooked through. I serve this with 150g of boiled potato and some green veg (peas, broccolli or asparagus).

Kebabs with Pitta Bread Recipe
For the kebab I'll have 100g of chicken, turkey or pork chopped into cubes.
Thread the cubes onto a skewer with tomato, onion and peppers then squeeze with lemon and season with salt and pepper. Grill, turning frequently until cooked through.
Warm a wholemeal pitta to serve and have lots of salad leaves.
To go with the kebab (so it's like a real kebab) make some garlic sauce by taking a tablespoon of low fat natural yoghurt and add some crushed garlic- mix this through, add parsley if you have any.

Prawns with Garlic & Chili and Rice Recipe
Make 50g of rice according to the packet. Drain.
In a pan add some chopped garlic and chilli, add veg chopped up into tiny chunks (or frozen peas and carrots would do) add 60g of cooked prawns and warm through. Add the rice, some soy sauce and a squeeze of lemon or lime. Sprinkle with some sesame seeds and serve.

Chicken Salad Recipe
Grill or roast 100g of chicken breast and serve with a large salad. Mix 120g of new potatoes with one tablespoon of low fat yoghurt and a small squeeze of salad cream, add spring onions and black pepper.
(Or serve with 120g of new potatoes and some steamed green veg)

Meatballs and Spaghetti Recipe (serves 2)
To make the meatballs:
In a bowl mix, 250g of lean mince, half a chopped onion, basil (dried or fresh) salt and pepper and about a tablespoon of tomato puree. Mix together then shape it with hands into 6 balls. Grill the meat balls for about 10-15 mins till cooked.
For The Sauce
Add half a chopped onion and sweat for a couple of mins (add a splash of water, not oil) then add a crushed garlic clove and some chopped mushrooms. Add a squirt of tomato puree and cook for a couple of mins. Add a dash of balsamic vinegar and let it reduce for a min or so then add a tin of chopped tomatoes. At the last min add a handful of ripped basil leaves and some fresh spinach.
Serve with 140g (70g per person) of brown spaghetti cooked to packet instructions.

I always have some frozen spaghetti and meatballs in the freezer for emergencies!!

Ok, there I go, sharing some recipies that helped me lose weight that also taste good too and are not difficult to make. I have loads more that I might get round to adding...............

Snacks................ I don't go without, as well as having a couple of pieces of fuit each day I'll sometimes have a cup of tea (skimmed milk) and a biscuit (sometimes even a kit kat) but only now and again! I also sometimes have a little bag of pretzels or some quavers (or any bag of crisps less than 100 cals) but I would only have one snack per day.

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