Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 20 of the holiday diet

Breakfast: brown breakfast muffin with 2 bacon medallions, mushrooms and a coffee with skimmed milk.

Dinner: tuna salad with low fat dressing. Half a tin of spicy bean soup.

Apple. Coffee. 85 cal crisps.

Tea: mackerel with broccoli, boiled egg and potato salad (made with 100g tatties, a spoon of creme fresh, low fat salad cream and spring onions.

I want a big mac tho!! I don't actually ever eat big macs but since starting to eat more healthily I am craving one!! I feel that I'll have to have one to get it out of my head, but not today. Woooo I also got a lovely pair of shoes delivered today!

..... Oh dear, my craving for meat took me to the shop. I ended up with a bowl of some frosted wheat cereal with probably too much sugar in but mo meat. And since the footy is on there is now a beer in front of me. I thought it was all going so well.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Day 19 of the holiday diet

Wooooop did you see the lovely sunshine today? I want to say that spring is on it's way in but it'll probably snow in March!

Breakfast: 1 bacon medallion, 1 fried egg (tiny drop of oil) in a brown breakfast muffin.

Dinner: tuna salad with mixed beans and low fat dressing. Eaten at my desk!

Tea: cottage pie made with quorn mince, I followed this recipe, but with half the amount of potato:

It was surprisingly tasty for a non-meat pie! I had it with some spring greens.

Monday 27 February 2012

Day 18 of the holiday diet

Dear food diary,

I have been a bingeing, pig out, naughty, eyes bigger than my belly girl. The weekend involved pizza, beer, wine and gloriously fried eggy bread. There was an "oh no I have no food left, only pizza.... 2 of them" moment on Saturday. This was rectified on Sunday but only after having no breakfast, and raging my trolley around Tesco trying to pick up healthy things when all I wanted to do was gnaw on a tiger bread loaf or stick my face in a custard slice. I am one of those people who are annoyingly irrational and grumpy when I'm hungry, so put together hungry, rag week and hungover and I become a venomous witch.

I've also been considering ways to motivate myself into exercise (obviously just lying on the sofa in a pondering like manner) I was looking at those shoes that tone your legs and bum, shape ups, but the only ones I can find come in absolutely hideous colours and they are massive like Spice Girl shoes! Maybe if they were just one colour (like black and not shocking pink, or silver) I could consider walking the dog in them, I would still worry about bumping into anyone I knew incase they witnessed the ugly shoes. I couldn't go to a gym because there are other people there, eeeew sweaty people in fact. I have a wii fit, Xbox kinect, yoga DVDs, gym ball (deflated), weights and a skipping rope, I even had some machine that also acted as a clothes hanger..... All of this potential to become a fitness fanatic yet no motivation! I don't even have a pair of trainers! I do walk about a mile to the metro to go to work, and walk my cutie dog and take the stairs to the third floor; is that enough?

Today's food stuffs:
Breakfast: scrambled eggs on toast (2 eggs, skimmed milk on tiny brown bread)

Grapes, banana and a packet of skips.

Dinner: ham sarnie with salad and a dollop of low fat salad cream.

Tea: stir fried veg, prawns and rice.

I've also had 1 coffee and 1 tea. I'm also not going to weigh myself now until Friday.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Friday 24 February 2012

Day 15 of the holiday diet

Breakfast: bacon sarnie made with small sliced brown bread.

Dinner: beans on brown toast.

Tea: lightly dusted bassa with 100g of good for you oven chips (no, I don't think that they really are good for you) and mushy peas (pump alert).
Snacked on some gherkins, it was Friday so I had a bottle of white wine.......... Followed by a trifle *whoopsy*

Thursday 23 February 2012

Day 14 of the holiday diet!

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (2 eggs and a dash of skimmed milk) on 1 piece of brown toast (no butter).
Coffee w skimmed milk.

I downloaded a calorie app and discovered that my coffee with skimmed milk is only 13 calories compared to 30 with semi skimmed! I probably have 4-5 cups of tea/coffee a day so I'm cutting down approx 85 calories a day on hot drinks alone.
I would also usually have olive spread on my toast (I don't like butter), which can be up to 50 calories, it seems that the small changes really do make a difference.

Dinner: mackerel pate on 2 bits of toast. To make the pate, put a tin of mackerel in a bowl with a tablespoon of low fat cream cheese, half a tea spoon of mustard and pepper. I'd usually add a squeeze of lemon but I had none!

I also had a bag of 98 cal crisps, and half a tin of baked beans (maybe I have pmt a bit there)!

Tea: I'm gonna make this sea bass with sesame noodles

Sea bass with sizzled ginger, chilli & spring onions recipe - Recipes - BBC Good Food

Sea bass with sizzled ginger, chilli & spring onions recipe - Recipes - BBC Good Food

Also had a cup of tea and 2 segments of Terry's chocolate orange!

Managed 10 girlie push ups too.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 13 of the holiday diet

Today was college day, talking about chi squared so I need extra fuel to take in the knowledge (another excuse to not diet).

Breakfast: 2 eggs on a small piece of brown toast, no butter.

Dinner: pre-packed egg cress sarnie in brown bread, the pack said it was about 300 cals..... I did also have a packet if walkers guess the flavour crisps, pack B. they tasted of maybe paprika or chorizo?

Tea: Jamie Oliver's pollock fish cakes, they were about 200cals for 2 fish cakes so didn't seemed like an ok quick option, I'll buy them again cos they were pretty tasty too! I also had some spinach, peas and 100g of low fat oven chips (the girl can't give up the chips)

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 12 of the holidaaaay diet

I did weigh myself last night and didn't like the result.... I'm blaming the time of day and not the pizza or KFC!


Breakfast: bacon sarnie from work due to the empty fridge at home! I didn't eat all of the white fluffy bun though.

Dinner: Boots meal deal I got a shapers prawn wrap, sour cream wheat crisp things and a bottle of diet coke!

Tea: it's pancake day..............

Monday 20 February 2012

Day 11 holiday diet

I'm busy busy busy, got home from work, walked the pooch and now I have to do Uni work!! Didnt weigh myself at the usual time today so will do before bed!

Breakfast: crumpet with tiny piece of half fat cheese

Dinner: tuna & mixed bean salad with low fat balsamic dressing.

Gorged on a chicken leg.... And a thin slice of baguette! Must do work!

Tea: chicken, spinach and mushroom curry. Made with leftover chicken, spices and a little spoon of creme fresh. Served with 50g rice.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 10 holiday diet

It is a lovely sunny day in Newcastle today!!

Breakfast: bacon medallion & egg in a small bun. Coffee w skimmed milk

Long walk to the quayside, one beer for the thirst!

Dinner: chicken, salad and a couple of thin slices of baguette.

Tea: eeeeek it was more like supper.... A pizza with even more calories in than a KFC bucket 😳

Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 9 holiday diet

Eeeeeek that bean chilli resulted in a colonic irrigation effect bathroom visit this morning!! My belt is now on the next hole- I think this may be linked to the beans!!!!

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with ham, tomato and spring onion with a tiny grating of half fat cheese. Coffee

Dinner: 50g pasta with left over BEAN CHILLI........………

Tea: whoops some KFC chicken and fries.... Uh oh

I also bought a pair of size 10 jeans that I can barely zip up, I'm sure that this is a bad diet strategy, however they were in the sale and they were the last pair! Must practice breathing in to wear them. I have also done my 10 girlie pushups and will do some leg lifts before I go to bed.

Friday 17 February 2012

Day 8 holiday diet

Woo I'm feeling good today, lots of energy to put into another study day. It could be that I am simply over caffeinated today, 2 early wake up coffees with skimmed milk. I have just been speaking to my best friend, who lives in london, she is having a more interesting day than me!! She is recently broken up with an ex of 3 years, rebound has found her 3 ladies who are all making an effort to fix her. But alas, it's too soon, too confusing and picking between 3 wrongs doesn't = the right one..... Well not just yet!

That is so much more interesting than by breakfast..... But anyway.... Breakfast: tomato & mushroom 2 egg omelette and all the coffee!

Dinner: grilled garlic tortilla wrap filled with ham, sundried tomato and 30g of half fat mozzarella..... Tasty!

Cuppa tea and a mint club.

Tea: vegetarian chilli with 50 g rice and a tortilla (I probably should have had one or the other).

It was Friday night so I did also have a couple of beers. I did do some leg lifts and 10 girlie pushups!

Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 7 holiday diet

So, I have clearly demonstrated that not sticking to the diet doesn't help to lose weight!! Ha ha!! Today I plan to be a good dieter!!

Breakfast: bacon & egg muffin. Made with English breakfast muffin/ 130cal, 1 bacon medallion 65cal, and a fried/steamed egg I used a tiny drop of rapeseed oil in a frying pan, cracked the egg in and covered with a lid till just right!

My house still has no heating so I hope that being freezing will not tempt me to eat lots of nice warm food!! Well maybe some soup!

Dinner: sliced beef with salad & mustard in a tortilla wrap. Half tin of tomato soup (didn't like it)

I have also snacked on an apple, slice of ham, can of diet cloudy lemonade and a coffee!

It's only 4pm but I can now only think about eating my tea- you'd think I was starved!

Tea: spag bol from earlier in the week (I froze a portion) with a pile of lovely salad with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Another cup of tea and a 62cal chocolate bar (whoops, but it was just little)

I also did some more leg lifts and managed 10 whole feeble girlie push-ups! When I say girlie, I mean push ups for women; I don't wanna look like a wrestler! Push ups on knees with feet in the air, I'm not strong enough to do real pushups!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Day 6 of the holiday diet.... Must do better

Let's be honest here, my holiday diet has been a bit of a non-diet. I have made a mental note to do better!! My holiday is also actually ages away (June) so maybe the motivation is not all there yet.

Breakfast: porridge........ YACK I might also add, I hate it. And a cuppa coffee, all with skimmed milk.

Ok, so it is 10.25 and I'm trying to write a proposal for my assignment and I could only think of crumpets..... So I ate one in the hope that my focus could be on my work. On another note. I cancelled my laptop insurance yesterday, today I dropped the laptop..... Must remember never to cancel the lotto direct debit!!

Dinner: little brown bun with beef & mustard. Lots of tea made with skimmed milk because I'm freezing! Erm some cold Singapore noodles uh oh and I was meant to be being good today!?!?!

Tea: roast chicken breast, no skin or oil with 50g rice and spinach.

More cups of tea to cope with the cold.... Left over prawn crackers.. Left over valentines chocolate.... Meh!

I also found a bit of sunshine today whilst walking the dog!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Day 5 of the holiday diet!

Woo a new excuse not to stick to the diet.... it's valentines day!!!

Breakfast: 2 poached eggs on a piece of tiny seeded toast!

Dinner: small brown bun with some topside beef slices, rocket and mustard. I also had a handful of cherry tomatoes!

Tea: just looking through Chinese takeaway menus and I also have a bottle of pink fizz in the fridge! Tee hee

So....... Singapore noodles surely are not classed as diet food!

Monday 13 February 2012

Day 4 of the holiday dieting

Is it me or are the scales creeping up today?? Whoops, well I'm not surprised with all of that vodka!! More excuses today..... I woke up and the boiler had gone on the blink so I messed about with it for half an hour instead of making breakfast. So, for breakfast I had a low fat yogurt. Then for dinner I had the pasta I made yesterday.

Tea was prawn stir fry with weird wiggly drum wheat noodles (about 40g). I made it with ginger, chilli, some low salt soy sauce and a little dash of oyster sauce.

Im gonna have a nice cuppa tea and think about doing some leg lifts or something in the freezing cold cos I have no heating!!

Eeeeeeeek 2 cups of tea later (with skimmed milk) And I could really scoff a big mac!!!!!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Not doing very well at this diet- day 3

Oh dear, so last night after the vodka I also had a chicken wrap!!!! Whoops no mayo or anything, just chicken, cabbage and chilli sauce! This may be why you shouldn't have alcohol when dieting!

Breakfast: lots and lots of warm water with a slice of lemon. I'm telling myself that this will fix the hangover. I have woken up to an old 31 year old dehydrated face. I've smothered it in ponds cold cream then some body shop vitamin E cream in the hope that tomorrow I will be youthful again! I also ate a bacon sarnie made with bacon medallions and very tiny seeded bread! Oh and excessive amounts of tomato sauce!

Dinner: 50g pasta with tuna, mixed beans, celery, tomato, rocket and a squeeze of lemon, a small amount of extra virgin olive oil and chopped chilli. I've made double of this and I'll take some for my packed lunch tomorrow.

Tea was pork steak with some mashed sweet potato and green things!!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Food diary day 2

Picked the wrong time to begin a diet diary... I did start the day with some leg lifts and 8 feeble girlie push ups! I hate to do anything that could be considered exercise but today I can feel that yesterday's leg lifts may have worked.... There may be an ab in there somewhere.

For breakfast I had boiled eggs and soldiers made with seeded bread- one slice no spread. Coffee with skimmed milk.

For my dinner I ate 5 chicken wings..,. This is bad; whoops. I also had a small brown bun with ham and peas pudding.
I've just been for my weekly shop, no crisps so I'll surely be dreaming of prawn cocktail flavour soon.

Tea: roast chicken breast with onions and chillies, 100g of 'good for you' oven chips...… ok so this doesn't sound like a diet- it also gets worse!!

Since it was the weekend I went out, had 2 beers followed by too many vodka diet cokes¡!

Friday 10 February 2012

Holiday diet time day 1

So, the time has come to start the holiday diet. I plan on keeping a diet diary to see if it works and also to stop myself from eating naughty things.... I'm only 5'2" ish and I don't have a set weight goal, I just want to feel comfortable wearing a bikini in public! I've weighed myself on my manky old scales, I should really buy new ones but I'm too scared to find out that my old scales have been telling me lies for the past few years.

Today's breakfast was one slice of seeded toast with scrambled eggs. I used 1 whole egg, 1 egg white and a dash of skimmed milk.
I've also had 2 cups of coffee, again with skimmed milk.

Lunch: tuna salad with 100g of new potatoes and low fat balsamic dressing. Plus some 64cal crisps- we all need treats to keep going!

Ooops picked the wrong day to start a diet blog!! For tea I had spag Bol..... But from this diet recipe:

It was delicious! BUT I also had a glass of wine and a can of beer........ But it is Friday!

I also attempted some leg lifts and managed 5 feeble girlie push-ups...... Then lay on the floor for a while!

Thursday 2 February 2012

New yeah!

It's a new year, Jan has passed without any hiccups. It's time to made a new 'to do' list, so here goes:
Finish my degree
get a proper job/ set up a business
do fun things
revert back to diet for holidays

Thats it!