Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 13 of the holiday diet

Today was college day, talking about chi squared so I need extra fuel to take in the knowledge (another excuse to not diet).

Breakfast: 2 eggs on a small piece of brown toast, no butter.

Dinner: pre-packed egg cress sarnie in brown bread, the pack said it was about 300 cals..... I did also have a packet if walkers guess the flavour crisps, pack B. they tasted of maybe paprika or chorizo?

Tea: Jamie Oliver's pollock fish cakes, they were about 200cals for 2 fish cakes so didn't seemed like an ok quick option, I'll buy them again cos they were pretty tasty too! I also had some spinach, peas and 100g of low fat oven chips (the girl can't give up the chips)

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