Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 9 holiday diet

Eeeeeek that bean chilli resulted in a colonic irrigation effect bathroom visit this morning!! My belt is now on the next hole- I think this may be linked to the beans!!!!

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with ham, tomato and spring onion with a tiny grating of half fat cheese. Coffee

Dinner: 50g pasta with left over BEAN CHILLI........………

Tea: whoops some KFC chicken and fries.... Uh oh

I also bought a pair of size 10 jeans that I can barely zip up, I'm sure that this is a bad diet strategy, however they were in the sale and they were the last pair! Must practice breathing in to wear them. I have also done my 10 girlie pushups and will do some leg lifts before I go to bed.

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