Monday 5 March 2012

Days 23, 24 & 25 of the holiday diet!

Friday night was good, no beers or even vodkas. Sat & Sun= bad!! Chips, chips, nachos, chilli, curry............. Beers

I am trying to redeem myself today by being a good dieter! That 20 mins of yoga also rendered me useless, I was barely able to move my arms or legs for 2 days. Must do that again.

Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs on tiny brown toast.

Dinner: tiny brown bun with a slice of beef, mustard and salad.

Banana, nectarine and 70 cal crisps.

Tea: prawn & veg stir fry with rice.

I'm too scared to stand on the scales today, I might even have some bean soup for supper on the hope that it creates a colonic irrigation effect again!!

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